What motivated you to start advocating for young children?
Young children can not speak for themselves, therefore, they need a voice to speak for them to make sure that their needs are being met on a continuous basis.
Why is it essential to acknowledge and foster advocacy efforts at the micro as well as the macro level?
Great advocacy efforts work best at all levels, micro and macro. It takes working together on all levels to become great advocates for children.
What does it take to become a community leader on early childhood issues?
It takes actively partnering with the community to identify and address early childhood issues. It involves listening to the concerns and challenges within the community and working together to provide more effective early childhood opportunities.
What resources does it take to be a state leader on early childhood issues?
It takes a commitment to making sure that everything possible is being done at the state level to make sure the needs of children and families are being met. Leaders at the state level must work closely with leaders at the local level to reach the same outcoome.
What tactics or strategies do you use to mobilize others?
Sharing information about advocacy efforts and opportunities to expand efforts and get others involved. Join professionals organizations and share information from these organizations with others. Create new opportunities for involvement by soliciting ideas and suggestions from others and working together to put these ideas into action.
What advice do you give to someone who was interested in taking a leadership role in advocating for young children and their families?
I would advise them to identify the issues that are the most important to them and work to create partnerships with others who can relate to these issues and those who could become a valuable resources as they work to resolve the issues. I will also advise sharing information and strategies that have proven successful and incorportating these strategies in current advocacy efforts.
Thanks for your post, Wanda. Good ideas here that captured the required readings this week. I appreciate your straight forward lay out and wonder why I didn't think of it. I see sharing information is a thread throughout your post and I agree. I have often been frustrated by not being kept in the loop because of inefficiencies of communicating information. Have a good week.