Friday, May 27, 2011


I had a friend that I grew up with whose mother and her boyfriend would fight all the time.  Most of the fussing and fighting came after they had either been out drinking all day or they were at home drinking all day.  I remember them coming home drunk, and she would run in our house to keep from being embarrassed by the two of them. Most of the the time she would play with us as if nothing was wrong, but when they started to fight, she would become very quiet and withdrawn.  She would beg my Mom to let her spend the night because she knew what it was going to be like at her house anytime they were drinking.  She talked about how there was never anything for her to eat at home, and she couldn't study or sleep because of the noise.  My Mom always let her stay and it got to the point where she was at our house more than she was home.  My mother told her she was always welcome there, and all she had to do was come over.  After awhile she learned to overlook the drama at her house, because she knew she had a place to go were she felt safe and comfortable, and she didn't have to worry about being embarrassed.

India has a very high rate of domestic violence, especially against women.  It's considered the fastest growing crime in India with a crime recorded against women every three minutes.  Children of domestic violence tend to behave normally at home if the violence is hidden from them.  If they see it, they tend to be unhappy, silent and reserved.  They may develop stress related health problems, try to help and get hurt, or become damaged mentally, as well as copy the behavior when they become adults.  Children, also, lose self confidence, become angry and/or afraid and blame themselves.
Public, private and governmental agencies are making huge efforts to control and reduce domestic violence in India.  Researchers are also making efforts to reduce domestic violence by focusing on social conditions.  The Domestic Violence Bill of 2001 was passed in India to protect the rights of women.  The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005 was also passed.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I chose this health topic because it really bothers me that there are so many children in this world who don't get the proper nutrition they need and suffer from malnutrition as a result.  I stay on my children, constantly, about not wasting food and being picky because so many children don't even get to eat, much less have the opportunity to pick and choose.  It is so very important for children to have proper nutrition in order to grow and develop properly, and even to function day to day without being tried or hungry.  
As I continue to learn more about nutrition/malnutrition, I hope to able to advocate for better nutrition by emphasizing how important it is for children as they grow and develop.
Nutrition/Malnutrition in China
In China, 12% of poverty areas are being affected by malnutrition.  Over recent years, China has often met or exceeded  agricultural needs, but they are now facing nutrition and food concerns in poorer regions.  Many adults and children suffer from malnutrition and vitamin & mineral deficiencies.
In 2010, free lunch programs were started for some students in high poverty areas.  Many of these children suffer from low weight and shorter heights because of malnutrition.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Birthing Experience

The birth of my second child, who is now 16 years old, was completely different from the births of my first and third children.  This is the birth that I had to have a very unexpected emergency c-section with.  I was scheduled to be induced at exactly 36 weeks after spending the six weeks prior on bedrest. I had been telling my doctor and my mom the entire time I did not want a c-section. Everthing started out fine that morning after I was induced and eventually received my epidural. All of a sudden my daughter's heartrate began to drop due to a reaction to the medicine.  I ended up having an c-section, anyway, but my daughter was born healthy at 5lbs14ozs.  She was also born with an extra digit on each hand and an extra digit on one foot.
I chose this example because it was different and harder than my other natural births.  I prefer the natural birth, and I often say if the c-section was the only way to give birth, I would probably have one child instead of three.  (Thank God for natural birth!)
My thoughts regarding birth are regardless of what we want to happen, sometimes we have to do whats best for ourselves and our unborn child.  As children grow older, we have to continue to do whats best for them regardless of what they want to happen.

Births in Sweden
Midwives handle the entire pre, during and post birth, unless there are complications.  A doctor is seen after birth to check the ears, eyes, heart, etc.  C-section rate is lower that most western countries. (17% compared to 31% in U.S.)
The differences are that my pre, during and post birth, was done by a doctor. Similarities are that if complications arise, a doctor will deliver care.