This has always been part of my professional life in that I have always participated in all opportunities to further my education and experience in the early childhood field. Along with my current program of study, I've participated in several additional early childhood classes, workshops, and conferences. I feel that in order to be an effective educator and advocate, I have to take advantage of every learning opportunity available so that I can provide quality services to children and families.
Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues
My relationships with my colleagues have always been important to me. I value my all teachers, assistants and other staff, and I try to always remember to say "thank you." I never ask them to do anything I wouldn't do, and I encourage them to continue to learn and grow in their professional goals. I make it a rule to maintain a supportive, trusting bond with them that goes beyond working together.
Ethical Responsibilities to Families
I always try to make my families feel welcome and a part of the learning experience for their child. I maintain open communication through newsletters, phone calls and face to face conversations. I offer suggestions and ideas to help their child continue to grow and learn at home, as well as, suggestions and ideas that I can use at school. I welcome any any all opportunities to achieve the common goal of educating the child.