What I have gained about research from taking this course is that researching is not an area I am comfortable with. Personally, I found it to be difficult to grasp and very confusing.
My ideas about doing research haven't changed much. I still don't understand all the aspects of it, and I am still not comfortable with doing research. I would much rather leave the research to others and wait for the results.
I think planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood is a great way to learn about children and the early childhood field for those who are interested in doing research.
This entire process was a challenge for me because I could not get an understanding of most of the terms and concepts involved in the research process.
My perception of the early childhood profession has not changed much. The topics from my colleagues, that I did get to see, where very interesting topics and I would love to see the results of some of the questions. The various topics presented reminded me of the dedication of early childhood professional to helping families and children continue to grow and develop.
Thanks to everyone for sharing throughout this course!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I visited the Early Childhood Development Virtual University(ECDVU) Sub Saharan Africa(SSA) website. ECHVU is a three year graduate degree program geared toward increasing information of the ECD in Africa.
Some of the current research topics include:
-The Status of Cooridination and Supervision of Early Childhood Education in Ghana
-Involving Fathers in Early Childhood Care and Development
-Curriculum Development using Community Resources
-Strengthening the Capacity of Grandparents in Providing Care to Children Less than 8
Years Old Affected by HIV/AIDS
Their "generative curriculum" involves
-a learner-focus approach
-an ecological approach
-a capacity building approach
-a co-constructive approach
-a multicultural approach
-a cohort driven approach
-a historical approach
Local voices and perspectives are very important to their learning.
I enjoyed learning about this website because it gives me an opportunity to see how other countries address the issues of Early Childhood Education. ECHVU partners with ECD leaders across the continent so that provides even more valuable information that can be used as a resource.
Some of the current research topics include:
-The Status of Cooridination and Supervision of Early Childhood Education in Ghana
-Involving Fathers in Early Childhood Care and Development
-Curriculum Development using Community Resources
-Strengthening the Capacity of Grandparents in Providing Care to Children Less than 8
Years Old Affected by HIV/AIDS
Their "generative curriculum" involves
-a learner-focus approach
-an ecological approach
-a capacity building approach
-a co-constructive approach
-a multicultural approach
-a cohort driven approach
-a historical approach
Local voices and perspectives are very important to their learning.
I enjoyed learning about this website because it gives me an opportunity to see how other countries address the issues of Early Childhood Education. ECHVU partners with ECD leaders across the continent so that provides even more valuable information that can be used as a resource.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I would research how being raised by a single parent affects children. I often hear of statistics about children that are raised by single parents and how it affects their behavior and grades in school as well as how it affects them emotionally. Most of the research that I have read tends to point out the negative aspects of what could happened to children when raised by a single parent. I would like to research the positive aspects of being raised by a single parent instead of focusing just on the negative. There are a lot of success stories out there about children that were raised by a single parent, just as there are a lot stories of failure about children that were raised by two parents. I would like an opportunity to compare the single parents to the two parent families and compare the long term success of both families. I think adults who were raised by a single parent would be interested in the success stores for a change, as well as, the single parents and children being raised by single parents.
I think the positive contributions would be that children reading about the positive results will be inspired to work harder and not be discourage by their circumstances.
I think the positive contributions would be that children reading about the positive results will be inspired to work harder and not be discourage by their circumstances.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Final Blog Assignment
1)Learning about the the international early childhood field has expanded my knowledge of the field on a broader level. I learned that internationally, programs encounter the same type of funding, accessibility and awareness issues that occur here in the United States. I have also learned that the ultimate goal is the same and that is to provide children with a quality education and support families in there efforts to succeed.
2)Learning about the international contacts has helped me to establish new resources and professional contacts that I will be able to utilize throughout my educational process, as well as, my professional career.
3)Learning through my colleagues about the various places they chose has been a rewarding experience. It has accelerated the learning process for me by giving me an opportunity to learn about more early childhood programs that I may not have had the opportunity to research as quickly own my own.
My goal is to maintain my awareness of issues and trends on the international level and share ideas for improving education and advocacy efforts for all children and families. I plan to continue to learn and grow through the resources and other information shared with me by my colleagues, and hopefully, continue to build new relationships that will be a valuable part of my continuous learning.
1)Learning about the the international early childhood field has expanded my knowledge of the field on a broader level. I learned that internationally, programs encounter the same type of funding, accessibility and awareness issues that occur here in the United States. I have also learned that the ultimate goal is the same and that is to provide children with a quality education and support families in there efforts to succeed.
2)Learning about the international contacts has helped me to establish new resources and professional contacts that I will be able to utilize throughout my educational process, as well as, my professional career.
3)Learning through my colleagues about the various places they chose has been a rewarding experience. It has accelerated the learning process for me by giving me an opportunity to learn about more early childhood programs that I may not have had the opportunity to research as quickly own my own.
My goal is to maintain my awareness of issues and trends on the international level and share ideas for improving education and advocacy efforts for all children and families. I plan to continue to learn and grow through the resources and other information shared with me by my colleagues, and hopefully, continue to build new relationships that will be a valuable part of my continuous learning.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Getting to know International Contacts-Part 3
A part of my educational goals is to utilize available resources, network with other professionals, and increase my awareness of the early childhood field. I had the opportunity to do so while exploring the UNESCO's Early Childhood Care and Education website:
In New Zealand, home based care for birth to five years old, has increased due to more mothers entering the work force. Home based care is under the supervision of a home based coordinator, but the Ministry of Education is over administration and partial funding. Each home receives the same funding per child per hour. The government oversees the quality of the early childhood education and evaluates the safetyy of children, the learning programs and the performance of management. Each coordinator must have a qualification approval by the head of the Ministry of Education. No formal education is required for care-givers, but changes are being implemented and new policies are being created to encourage and improve quality.
Brazil has a mandatory education fund for primary education that requires 60% of the local governments budgets to be spent on primary education. Policy makers are trying to develop the same type of education for early childhood education for 0-6 year olds in order to increase early childhood education in Brazil. Budgets for primary education tend to stretch beyond the 60%, and it leaves early childhood education with very little funding. Efforts are being made to make funding mandatory for early childhood education, but assistance is also needed from the federal government.
HIV and AIDS affected children was addressed at the First World Conference on Early Care and Education held in September 2010. A new series of children's books were featured at the conference about a boy and girl named "Bouba & Zaza." "Childhood Cultures" is an intergenerational African series of children's books that takes you through the experiences of Bouba and Zaza. The series covers subjects affecting the lives of African families such as war, HIV/AIDS, water resources, and environmental protection. The books help children address these problems and adapt to their environment, as well as, become active members of it. The books help children to develop responsibility, improve communication skills, oral and written language, and various other skills. The books are also a great teaching resource for teachers, and they also benefit older children, parents, grandparents and the community.
In New Zealand, home based care for birth to five years old, has increased due to more mothers entering the work force. Home based care is under the supervision of a home based coordinator, but the Ministry of Education is over administration and partial funding. Each home receives the same funding per child per hour. The government oversees the quality of the early childhood education and evaluates the safetyy of children, the learning programs and the performance of management. Each coordinator must have a qualification approval by the head of the Ministry of Education. No formal education is required for care-givers, but changes are being implemented and new policies are being created to encourage and improve quality.
Brazil has a mandatory education fund for primary education that requires 60% of the local governments budgets to be spent on primary education. Policy makers are trying to develop the same type of education for early childhood education for 0-6 year olds in order to increase early childhood education in Brazil. Budgets for primary education tend to stretch beyond the 60%, and it leaves early childhood education with very little funding. Efforts are being made to make funding mandatory for early childhood education, but assistance is also needed from the federal government.
HIV and AIDS affected children was addressed at the First World Conference on Early Care and Education held in September 2010. A new series of children's books were featured at the conference about a boy and girl named "Bouba & Zaza." "Childhood Cultures" is an intergenerational African series of children's books that takes you through the experiences of Bouba and Zaza. The series covers subjects affecting the lives of African families such as war, HIV/AIDS, water resources, and environmental protection. The books help children address these problems and adapt to their environment, as well as, become active members of it. The books help children to develop responsibility, improve communication skills, oral and written language, and various other skills. The books are also a great teaching resource for teachers, and they also benefit older children, parents, grandparents and the community.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Sharing Web Resources
National Head Start Association
While exploring additional links of Head Start, I found myself in the archives which contained numerous stories on Head Start and it's constant budget and funding issues. I decided to look deeper into the archive articles and reports by states. I found some very interesting articles about how the program is supported through advocacy efforts throughout the country. As decisions were being discussed about cuts to the program, South Carolina students, teachers, and parents built a city using show boxes, construction paper, glue and their own ideas as an effort to show the value of Head Start through learning. In Florida, parents and staff members loaded their babies in strollers and march to their Congressman's office to protest budget cuts. Texas parents also protesed at their congressman's office. Four year old children and teachers in Illinois also vistited their Congressman's office in an effort to support cuts to the program.
State Rep Tony Hwang is another supporter of the Head Start program. He credits the program in Syracuse, NY for with being where he is today. He learned English through the Head Start program, and considers it an excellent opportunity to learn and develop skills.
The economy has caused an increase in the unemployment rate, and more people are living below the poverty line. The need for the Head Start program has increased due to the economy, but Head Start is only able to serve less than fifty percent of eligible children, with only five to six percent of children needing early services able to access programs. As a part of Head Start Awareness month, Head Start has re-affirmed their commitment to making sure every eligible child has access to the program. For many years, the program has helped struggling families living below the poverty line with getting children ready for school, parenting skills, and health issues and it has been a great asset to communities and families.
National Head Start Associationhttp://www.nhsa.org/
(Newsletter: http://www.nhsa.org/news_and_advocacy/advocacy/legislative_eupdate )
While exploring additional links of Head Start, I found myself in the archives which contained numerous stories on Head Start and it's constant budget and funding issues. I decided to look deeper into the archive articles and reports by states. I found some very interesting articles about how the program is supported through advocacy efforts throughout the country. As decisions were being discussed about cuts to the program, South Carolina students, teachers, and parents built a city using show boxes, construction paper, glue and their own ideas as an effort to show the value of Head Start through learning. In Florida, parents and staff members loaded their babies in strollers and march to their Congressman's office to protest budget cuts. Texas parents also protesed at their congressman's office. Four year old children and teachers in Illinois also vistited their Congressman's office in an effort to support cuts to the program.
State Rep Tony Hwang is another supporter of the Head Start program. He credits the program in Syracuse, NY for with being where he is today. He learned English through the Head Start program, and considers it an excellent opportunity to learn and develop skills.
The economy has caused an increase in the unemployment rate, and more people are living below the poverty line. The need for the Head Start program has increased due to the economy, but Head Start is only able to serve less than fifty percent of eligible children, with only five to six percent of children needing early services able to access programs. As a part of Head Start Awareness month, Head Start has re-affirmed their commitment to making sure every eligible child has access to the program. For many years, the program has helped struggling families living below the poverty line with getting children ready for school, parenting skills, and health issues and it has been a great asset to communities and families.
National Head Start Associationhttp://www.nhsa.org/
(Newsletter: http://www.nhsa.org/news_and_advocacy/advocacy/legislative_eupdate )
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Excellence and Equity
Global Children's Initiative
- Un Buen Comenzo, "A Good Start, is a project in Santiago, Chile that is dedicated to improving quality education by offering teachers training and development opportunities. The programs focus on language development, socioemotional development, health and family involvement for 4-6 year old. UBC uses a comprehensive evaluation that will experiment in all 60 schools that will eventually become a part of UBC. These efforts will put Chile ahead of other Latin American countries in providing high quality education.
- New activities are being developed in the areas of early childhood development, mental health and children in crisis and conflict situations. In the area of early childhood development, the goals are to introduce the work done in the U.S. to a broader audience and to apply new knowledge about health and developmental needs of young children in various settings. The child mental health goal is to develop a focus group to identify and develop approaches in policy and service delivery that are diversely responsive to cultures. The children and crisis goal is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration that incorporates a science based developmental perspective into the well being of children in various crisis.
- Millennium Development Goals-In 2000, governments of the world created a set of international goals to be achieved by the year 2015. These goals included ending extreme hunger, ensuring completion of a least a primary education by every child, and reducing child mortality by two thirds. Progress has been made to meet these goals, worldwide, but a lot of work needs to still be done in order to meet the deadline.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
National Head Start Association
The Executive Director of Head Sart is concerned about the impact that federal budget cuts will have on Head Start over the next several years. Although, Head Start has often faced budget cuts, the current state of the economy increases the chances of future budget cuts to Head Start. The Executive Director along with parents and community leaders are increasing advocacy efforts to inform decision makers of the value of the program. Congressional representatives are being contacted through phone calls, asking them to visit a local Head Start program to see the effectiveness and benefits of the program.
The Senate Labor, Health and Human Services Education Appropriations subcommittee has approved funding for Head Start for 2012 to continue with the current services throughout the country. 46 million people are currently living below the poverty line, including 25% of children under six years of age. Head Start serves around 1 million children a year and this continued funding will continue to help children and families to be successful throughout life.
Head Start programs and day care centers costs basically the same amount of money per child, but Head Start provides day care and after school care, training opportunities for parents, clothing from donations and educational support for parents working toward a GED. Head Start also provides medical screenings and vaccinations, support community activities, and coordinates with social services for families that participate in the program. The government saves $10 for every $1 spent on Head Start. Police chiefs, sheriffs and prosecutors who support Head Start are advocating for the program because the children who are served through Head Start are less likely to commit crimes or end up in prison as adults due to the fact that the children are well cared for and the parents have received training.
I did not find any controversial ideas or statements, but I impressed with the number of students that have graduated from Head Start. Since 1965, 27 million students have graduated from the Head Start program,
The Senate Labor, Health and Human Services Education Appropriations subcommittee has approved funding for Head Start for 2012 to continue with the current services throughout the country. 46 million people are currently living below the poverty line, including 25% of children under six years of age. Head Start serves around 1 million children a year and this continued funding will continue to help children and families to be successful throughout life.
Head Start programs and day care centers costs basically the same amount of money per child, but Head Start provides day care and after school care, training opportunities for parents, clothing from donations and educational support for parents working toward a GED. Head Start also provides medical screenings and vaccinations, support community activities, and coordinates with social services for families that participate in the program. The government saves $10 for every $1 spent on Head Start. Police chiefs, sheriffs and prosecutors who support Head Start are advocating for the program because the children who are served through Head Start are less likely to commit crimes or end up in prison as adults due to the fact that the children are well cared for and the parents have received training.
I did not find any controversial ideas or statements, but I impressed with the number of students that have graduated from Head Start. Since 1965, 27 million students have graduated from the Head Start program,
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Head Start-http://www.nhsa.org/
"Head Start faculty must get more education"
Head Start agency administrators requiring all of their teachers to get a bachelors degree in order to keep their jobs. Many Head Start teachers only hold an associate degree, although they have been employed with the agency for many years. The teachers are being asked to obtain their degree in response to a federal mandate that at least 50% of the teachers at a center based program hold a bachelor's degree in early childhood education. Requiring teachers to obtain bachelor's degrees is an effort to increase the quality of the program through more education and training in order to provide a better learning experience for the child.
The teachers are being asked to earn the degree by September 2013 or it could result in them becoming teacher assistants.
Head Start agency administrators requiring all of their teachers to get a bachelors degree in order to keep their jobs. Many Head Start teachers only hold an associate degree, although they have been employed with the agency for many years. The teachers are being asked to obtain their degree in response to a federal mandate that at least 50% of the teachers at a center based program hold a bachelor's degree in early childhood education. Requiring teachers to obtain bachelor's degrees is an effort to increase the quality of the program through more education and training in order to provide a better learning experience for the child.
The teachers are being asked to earn the degree by September 2013 or it could result in them becoming teacher assistants.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Week 1 assignment
I use the Global Alliance of NAEYC to send emails to Haiti, Spain, South Africa, and Philippines. So far, I have not received any responses, but I plan to send a few more emails to some of the others before I decide to do the alternate assignment. (if they are anything like me, it will take a minute to get a reponse.) I hope to hear back from some of the contacts because it will be interesting to learn about programs outside the US.
The early childhood organization I decided to study is the National Head Start Association. I started teaching pre-school at Head Start, and I was also a head start student. I've seen a lot of good things from the organization, and I look forward to staying informed about how Head Start is continuing to serve children and families.
I'm looking forward to learning about some of the other places through others.
The early childhood organization I decided to study is the National Head Start Association. I started teaching pre-school at Head Start, and I was also a head start student. I've seen a lot of good things from the organization, and I look forward to staying informed about how Head Start is continuing to serve children and families.
I'm looking forward to learning about some of the other places through others.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
"My Supports"
My supports include the love of my children and my faith in God. Yes, I do need to make "to do lists" and of course, I need financial support to live in this world, but the daily love and support of my children and my faith in God is what keeps me believing that I can do anything. My children are my strength; they give me the courage to endure I lot of things I probably wouldn't even bother with if it wasn't for them. My faith in God allows me to stay positive and believe that all things are possible. It would be difficult to exist without these two supports because I need both God and my children as a part of my daily existence.
The challenge I imagined is being physically challenged with something like blindnees. I would want to have the support of family and friends to help me to adjust to my challenge and learn how to live with it. I would need for my family and friends to arrange my home in a way that I would be able to get around on my own without someone to constantly help me. I would need for them to help me with the things I couldn't always handle such as reading things that I couldn't or describing something for me so that I could develop a clear picture in my mind. I would still need the support of my children, and I will probably need it even more and in a different capacity because now I would be more dependent on them. My faith in God will always be constant for me regardless of what challenges I may face.
The challenge I imagined is being physically challenged with something like blindnees. I would want to have the support of family and friends to help me to adjust to my challenge and learn how to live with it. I would need for my family and friends to arrange my home in a way that I would be able to get around on my own without someone to constantly help me. I would need for them to help me with the things I couldn't always handle such as reading things that I couldn't or describing something for me so that I could develop a clear picture in my mind. I would still need the support of my children, and I will probably need it even more and in a different capacity because now I would be more dependent on them. My faith in God will always be constant for me regardless of what challenges I may face.
Friday, July 22, 2011
"Children have always learned and created places for themselves through play."
Donna R Barnes"Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game."
Michael Jordan
"Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning"
Fred Rogers
We basically played all day long when I was a child; hot, cold, and even rain. I remember going out early in the morning, during the summer, and the only rules were that we had to let someone know if we were leaving from the house, and we had to be back before the street lights came on. My mom use to let use use old pots, pans and spoons to cook with while we played house behind the bushes. She always made sure we had skates, and we use to be able to go a few streets over to the newly paved street and skate. We use to play on dirt piles and in mud puddles, and it was ok, as long as we didn't track it into the house. I remember the street flooding during heavy rains at our apartment complex, and it would be like a giant swimming pool after the rain stopped. The entire complex would be outside playing in the water and waiting on someone to try and drive through and get stuck.
Play today is different because children don't get outside as much, and if they do they complain about it being too hot or too cold, or they say it's nothing to do outside. They are content with staying inside with the computers, video games, and ipods. Parents don't encourage physical activities unless it's something like team sports such as football, basketball, baseball, etc. and then, it's only because they want to raise a ball player.
It concerns me how play, or the lack of, has changed over the years. I have wonderful memories of my childhood and the opportunities I had to use my imagination and be creative. I enjoy talking with my sisters & brother, and old friends about all the crazy and fun things we use to do as children. I worry that my children won't have the same type of memories to share when they are older. Even as adults we need to take time to play and have fun. I have coloring books and crayons that I use now, because it was one of my favorite things to do as a child, and it helps me to relieve stress. I guess that's also why I love teaching preschool. It keeps me young by allowing me to lay on the floor and color, sing kids songs, read my favorite children's books, play house, etc.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw
“Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn’t taste good” Lucia Capocchione"We all need empty hours in our lives or we will have no time to create a dream."
Robert Coles
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Relationship Reflection
I believe what makes a relationship strong is being able to trust and depend on someone. It doesn't have to be a relationship where you talk with the person everyday, but it's knowing that they are always there for you. My most significant and most important relationships are the ones with my children. ( ages 13, 16, 20) Being a single mom, I always try to maintain a good positive relationship with my children. It's not always easy because we go through the bad along with the good, but what I always want them to know is that I am always here for them regardless of how much trouble they think they are in. We spend a lot of time together, talking and listening, and I think they are secure enough in knowing that they can always come to me, even with the hard stuff. I try to keep communication open and honest so that when in doubt, they will not be lead astray by others, but instead will say, "wait a minute, I have to call my mom first."
Maintaining positive relationships can be challenging because people grow apart by changes in their lives. Circumstances change people and there may not be as much effort put toward maintaining or even developing new relationships. Some relationships are unspoken understandings between individuals that others can't understand even when you try to explain, so eventually you quite trying and leave them guessing.
As an early childhood professional, I try to build positive, open relationships with others as I do in my personal life. I try to maintain relationships positively and make lasting impressions, so that even if life sends you in different directions, you can continue the relationship if you meet again.
Maintaining positive relationships can be challenging because people grow apart by changes in their lives. Circumstances change people and there may not be as much effort put toward maintaining or even developing new relationships. Some relationships are unspoken understandings between individuals that others can't understand even when you try to explain, so eventually you quite trying and leave them guessing.
As an early childhood professional, I try to build positive, open relationships with others as I do in my personal life. I try to maintain relationships positively and make lasting impressions, so that even if life sends you in different directions, you can continue the relationship if you meet again.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Quotes about Children
"Children are one-third of our population and all of our future."
"When you put faith, hope and love together, you can raise positive kids in a negative world."
Zig Ziglar
"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them leaves an impression."
Dr. Haim Ginott
"He who teaches children learns more than they do."
German Proverb
"When you put faith, hope and love together, you can raise positive kids in a negative world."
Zig Ziglar
"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them leaves an impression."
Dr. Haim Ginott
"He who teaches children learns more than they do."
German Proverb
Week 8 -Quote
Life doesn't count for much unless you're willing to do your small part to leave our
children - all of our children - a better world. Even it's difficult. Even if the work seems
great. Even if we don't get very far in our lifetime.
BARACK OBAMA, speech, Jun. 15, 2008
children - all of our children - a better world. Even it's difficult. Even if the work seems
great. Even if we don't get very far in our lifetime.
BARACK OBAMA, speech, Jun. 15, 2008
Friday, May 27, 2011
I had a friend that I grew up with whose mother and her boyfriend would fight all the time. Most of the fussing and fighting came after they had either been out drinking all day or they were at home drinking all day. I remember them coming home drunk, and she would run in our house to keep from being embarrassed by the two of them. Most of the the time she would play with us as if nothing was wrong, but when they started to fight, she would become very quiet and withdrawn. She would beg my Mom to let her spend the night because she knew what it was going to be like at her house anytime they were drinking. She talked about how there was never anything for her to eat at home, and she couldn't study or sleep because of the noise. My Mom always let her stay and it got to the point where she was at our house more than she was home. My mother told her she was always welcome there, and all she had to do was come over. After awhile she learned to overlook the drama at her house, because she knew she had a place to go were she felt safe and comfortable, and she didn't have to worry about being embarrassed.
India has a very high rate of domestic violence, especially against women. It's considered the fastest growing crime in India with a crime recorded against women every three minutes. Children of domestic violence tend to behave normally at home if the violence is hidden from them. If they see it, they tend to be unhappy, silent and reserved. They may develop stress related health problems, try to help and get hurt, or become damaged mentally, as well as copy the behavior when they become adults. Children, also, lose self confidence, become angry and/or afraid and blame themselves.
Public, private and governmental agencies are making huge efforts to control and reduce domestic violence in India. Researchers are also making efforts to reduce domestic violence by focusing on social conditions. The Domestic Violence Bill of 2001 was passed in India to protect the rights of women. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005 was also passed.
India has a very high rate of domestic violence, especially against women. It's considered the fastest growing crime in India with a crime recorded against women every three minutes. Children of domestic violence tend to behave normally at home if the violence is hidden from them. If they see it, they tend to be unhappy, silent and reserved. They may develop stress related health problems, try to help and get hurt, or become damaged mentally, as well as copy the behavior when they become adults. Children, also, lose self confidence, become angry and/or afraid and blame themselves.
Public, private and governmental agencies are making huge efforts to control and reduce domestic violence in India. Researchers are also making efforts to reduce domestic violence by focusing on social conditions. The Domestic Violence Bill of 2001 was passed in India to protect the rights of women. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005 was also passed.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I chose this health topic because it really bothers me that there are so many children in this world who don't get the proper nutrition they need and suffer from malnutrition as a result. I stay on my children, constantly, about not wasting food and being picky because so many children don't even get to eat, much less have the opportunity to pick and choose. It is so very important for children to have proper nutrition in order to grow and develop properly, and even to function day to day without being tried or hungry.
As I continue to learn more about nutrition/malnutrition, I hope to able to advocate for better nutrition by emphasizing how important it is for children as they grow and develop.
Nutrition/Malnutrition in China
In China, 12% of poverty areas are being affected by malnutrition. Over recent years, China has often met or exceeded agricultural needs, but they are now facing nutrition and food concerns in poorer regions. Many adults and children suffer from malnutrition and vitamin & mineral deficiencies.
In 2010, free lunch programs were started for some students in high poverty areas. Many of these children suffer from low weight and shorter heights because of malnutrition.
As I continue to learn more about nutrition/malnutrition, I hope to able to advocate for better nutrition by emphasizing how important it is for children as they grow and develop.
Nutrition/Malnutrition in China
In China, 12% of poverty areas are being affected by malnutrition. Over recent years, China has often met or exceeded agricultural needs, but they are now facing nutrition and food concerns in poorer regions. Many adults and children suffer from malnutrition and vitamin & mineral deficiencies.
In 2010, free lunch programs were started for some students in high poverty areas. Many of these children suffer from low weight and shorter heights because of malnutrition.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Birthing Experience
The birth of my second child, who is now 16 years old, was completely different from the births of my first and third children. This is the birth that I had to have a very unexpected emergency c-section with. I was scheduled to be induced at exactly 36 weeks after spending the six weeks prior on bedrest. I had been telling my doctor and my mom the entire time I did not want a c-section. Everthing started out fine that morning after I was induced and eventually received my epidural. All of a sudden my daughter's heartrate began to drop due to a reaction to the medicine. I ended up having an c-section, anyway, but my daughter was born healthy at 5lbs14ozs. She was also born with an extra digit on each hand and an extra digit on one foot.
I chose this example because it was different and harder than my other natural births. I prefer the natural birth, and I often say if the c-section was the only way to give birth, I would probably have one child instead of three. (Thank God for natural birth!)
My thoughts regarding birth are regardless of what we want to happen, sometimes we have to do whats best for ourselves and our unborn child. As children grow older, we have to continue to do whats best for them regardless of what they want to happen.
Births in Sweden
Midwives handle the entire pre, during and post birth, unless there are complications. A doctor is seen after birth to check the ears, eyes, heart, etc. C-section rate is lower that most western countries. (17% compared to 31% in U.S.)
The differences are that my pre, during and post birth, was done by a doctor. Similarities are that if complications arise, a doctor will deliver care.
I chose this example because it was different and harder than my other natural births. I prefer the natural birth, and I often say if the c-section was the only way to give birth, I would probably have one child instead of three. (Thank God for natural birth!)
My thoughts regarding birth are regardless of what we want to happen, sometimes we have to do whats best for ourselves and our unborn child. As children grow older, we have to continue to do whats best for them regardless of what they want to happen.
Births in Sweden
Midwives handle the entire pre, during and post birth, unless there are complications. A doctor is seen after birth to check the ears, eyes, heart, etc. C-section rate is lower that most western countries. (17% compared to 31% in U.S.)
The differences are that my pre, during and post birth, was done by a doctor. Similarities are that if complications arise, a doctor will deliver care.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Code of Ethics
Professional Development and Preparation
This has always been part of my professional life in that I have always participated in all opportunities to further my education and experience in the early childhood field. Along with my current program of study, I've participated in several additional early childhood classes, workshops, and conferences. I feel that in order to be an effective educator and advocate, I have to take advantage of every learning opportunity available so that I can provide quality services to children and families.
Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues
My relationships with my colleagues have always been important to me. I value my all teachers, assistants and other staff, and I try to always remember to say "thank you." I never ask them to do anything I wouldn't do, and I encourage them to continue to learn and grow in their professional goals. I make it a rule to maintain a supportive, trusting bond with them that goes beyond working together.
Ethical Responsibilities to Families
I always try to make my families feel welcome and a part of the learning experience for their child. I maintain open communication through newsletters, phone calls and face to face conversations. I offer suggestions and ideas to help their child continue to grow and learn at home, as well as, suggestions and ideas that I can use at school. I welcome any any all opportunities to achieve the common goal of educating the child.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Additional Resources-Week 5
http://nafcc.org National Association for Family Child Care Learn the Signs, Act Early http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Understanding Youth Development: promoting Positive Pathways of Growth http://ncfy.acf.hhs.gov National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth
Friday, April 1, 2011
Part 1: Position Statements and Influential Practices
Tip: Use the A-to-Z e-journal list to search for specific journal titles. (Go to “How Do I...?”, select “Tips for Specific Formats and Resources,” and then “e-journals” to find this search interface.)
- NAEYC. (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://sylvan.live.ecollege.com/ec/courses/56611/CRS-CW-4894979/educ6005_readings/naeyc_dap_position_statement.pdf
- NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on child abuse prevention. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/ChildAbuseStand.pdf
- NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on school readiness. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/Readiness.pdf
- NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on responding to linguistic and cultural diversity. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/diversity.pdf
- NAEYC. (2003). Early childhood curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation: Building an effective, accountable system in programs for children birth through age 8. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/pscape.pdf
- NAEYC. (2009, April). Early childhood inclusion: A summary. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/DEC_NAEYC_ECSummary_A.pdf
- Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010). Infant-toddler policy agenda. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.zerotothree.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ter_pub_infanttodller
- FPG Child Development Institute. (2006, September). Evidence-based practice empowers early childhood professionals and families. (FPG Snapshot, No. 33). Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.fpg.unc.edu/~snapshots/snap33.pdf
Note: The following article can be found in the Walden University Library databases.
- Turnbull, A., Zuna, N., Hong, J. Y., Hu, X., Kyzar, K., Obremski, S., et al. (2010). Knowledge-to-action guides. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(3), 42–53.
Use the Academic Search Complete database, and search using the article's title.
- Article: UNICEF (n.d.). Fact sheet: A summary of the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.unicef.org/crc/files/Rights_overview.pdf
- Websites:
- World Forum Foundation
This link connects you to the mission statement of this organization. Make sure to watch the video on this webpage
- World Organization for Early Childhood Education
Read about OMEP’s mission.
- Association for Childhood Education International
Click on “Mission/Vision” and “Guiding Principles and Beliefs” and read these statements.
- World Forum Foundation
Note: Explore the resources in Parts 3 and 4 in preparation for this week’s Application assignment.
Part 3: Selected Early Childhood Organizations - National Association for the Education of Young Children
- The Division for Early Childhood
- Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families
- Harvard Education Letter
- FPG Child Development Institute
- Administration for Children and Families Headstart’s National Research Conference
- HighScope
- Children’s Defense Fund
- Center for Child Care Workforce
- Council for Exceptional Children
- Institute for Women’s Policy Research
- National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education
- National Child Care Association
- National Institute for Early Education Research
- Pre[K]Now
- Voices for America’s Children
- The Erikson Institute
Tip: Use the A-to-Z e-journal list to search for specific journal titles. (Go to “How Do I...?”, select “Tips for Specific Formats and Resources,” and then “e-journals” to find this search interface.)
- YC Young Children
- Childhood
- Journal of Child & Family Studies
- Child Study Journal
- Multicultural Education
- Early Childhood Education Journal
- Journal of Early Childhood Research
- International Journal of Early Childhood
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly
- Developmental Psychology
- Social Studies
- Maternal & Child Health Journal
- International Journal of Early Years Education
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Quotes from week 2 professionals
"Having people offer me opportunities and opening doors for me where I feel like now, as I've gotten older, it's my turn to be able to create opportunities for parents and their children."
Raymond Hernandez
"It's a lot easier just to talk about what people should do, but stepping up and trying to do it is a whole lot different."
Renatta M Cooper
Raymond Hernandez
"It's a lot easier just to talk about what people should do, but stepping up and trying to do it is a whole lot different."
Renatta M Cooper
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
"Effective teachers have the knowledge to make informed decisions and adapt for individual differences in children throughout the day."
Dr. Susan Bredekamp
"The future which we hold in trust for our own children will be shaped by our fairness to other people's children."
Marian Wright Edelman
"Never work just for money or for power. They won't save your soul or help you sleep at night."
Marian Wright Edelman
Dr. Susan Bredekamp
"The future which we hold in trust for our own children will be shaped by our fairness to other people's children."
Marian Wright Edelman
"Never work just for money or for power. They won't save your soul or help you sleep at night."
Marian Wright Edelman
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Personal Childhood Web
Grandma Manda- She moved in with us when I was around 7, and she was one that kept me and my sisters and brothers when my Mom work or wasn't there. She taught me how to sew, and we spent a lot of time making quilts, one of which I still have today. I remember going to my uncles farm with her, picking vegetables out the garden, and shelling beans and peas every summer. She used to make us pinto beans and homemade biscuits all the time, when she would get down to the last of the biscuit dough, she would make me and my younger sister a "pistol" shaped biscuits. She always woke us up in mornings for school, and she would not stop calling your name until you were up. She taught me a lot about being unselfish and having a giving spirit, and her lesson still impact the way I am with my children today as well as the way I view elderly people. I believe she was the reason I always wanted to help children and/or the elderly.
She had this saying when someone would make her mad, "You make my a.. hurt!" Me and my sisters and brother still laugh at that today, and occasionally we say it to people ourselves.
Mom- She raised five kids, without a dad in the picture, but thank God for my Grandmom. She was very "no nonsense" and very protective of all us. She made sure we had what we needed, first, before anything or anybody. I am a lot like her in that I have the same strong spirit that has taught me to be a survivor regardless of what the world throws my way. She taught me about kindness, to always look out for someone in need, and she taught me how to stand my ground and not let people take advantage of me.
Mrs. Polson(Head Start Teacher) - She was always such a sweet and caring teacher. She was my favorite teacher, and out of all the teachers I've had over the years, I never forgot her or how nice she was to me. She still influences me to be a better teacher and person because of her dedication to educating young children.
Ms. Wincy(neighbor) - She was always the coolest mom of all. She let us hang out at her house, but she made sure we stayed in line. She has always been like a second mom to us, and now that my mom is no longer living, she continues to look out for us. She reminds me of how I am now when my children's friends always want to sleep over or tag along on vacations.
Deidra(friend) - She was one of my childhood friends that lived next door to us. She was always fun and ready for any and everything. We had a lot of good times together and are still friends today. We use to skate, all the time,(metal skates), ride bikes, play dodge ball, and build houses in the bushes and get old pots, bowls, and spoons out the house to cook dirt and leaves. When we see each other now we always talk and laugh about growing up. I think about all the fun we use to have when my children tell me they are "bored," because I don't ever remember being bored growing up. We made our own fun.
She had this saying when someone would make her mad, "You make my a.. hurt!" Me and my sisters and brother still laugh at that today, and occasionally we say it to people ourselves.
Mom- She raised five kids, without a dad in the picture, but thank God for my Grandmom. She was very "no nonsense" and very protective of all us. She made sure we had what we needed, first, before anything or anybody. I am a lot like her in that I have the same strong spirit that has taught me to be a survivor regardless of what the world throws my way. She taught me about kindness, to always look out for someone in need, and she taught me how to stand my ground and not let people take advantage of me.
Mrs. Polson(Head Start Teacher) - She was always such a sweet and caring teacher. She was my favorite teacher, and out of all the teachers I've had over the years, I never forgot her or how nice she was to me. She still influences me to be a better teacher and person because of her dedication to educating young children.
Ms. Wincy(neighbor) - She was always the coolest mom of all. She let us hang out at her house, but she made sure we stayed in line. She has always been like a second mom to us, and now that my mom is no longer living, she continues to look out for us. She reminds me of how I am now when my children's friends always want to sleep over or tag along on vacations.
Deidra(friend) - She was one of my childhood friends that lived next door to us. She was always fun and ready for any and everything. We had a lot of good times together and are still friends today. We use to skate, all the time,(metal skates), ride bikes, play dodge ball, and build houses in the bushes and get old pots, bowls, and spoons out the house to cook dirt and leaves. When we see each other now we always talk and laugh about growing up. I think about all the fun we use to have when my children tell me they are "bored," because I don't ever remember being bored growing up. We made our own fun.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
"Children Learn What They Live"
Children Learn What They LiveBy Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.
"This High and This Wide"
GUESS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU by Sam McBratney is my favorite children's book . I started reading this book to my son when he was a baby, and we continued to read it over the years. Anytime we told each other "I love you," the other would ask "how much," and we would stretch our arms as high and wide as they would go. My son is 12 now,(13, April 22) and we still do the same thing when we say "I love you."
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Setting up a blog has really been a learning experience for me. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up, but then again, I may actually learn to love it. Good Luck!!!
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